1️⃣Create an account

1. Visit the AnyCampus website

Welcome to AnyCampusβ€”your virtual campus, accessible anytime, anywhere. Once you step into our vibrant, campus-like platform, brace yourself for an immersive experience in the vibrant campus-like atmosphere!

As you enter our platform, where learning is more accessible than ever, you'll encounter a user-friendly interface meticulously designed to ensure your educational journey is not just hassle-free and seamless but also enriching. Feel free to delve into topics that capture your interest!

2. Connect your wallet for sign-up

You can explore the landing page and browse our extensive curriculum offerings without registering. However, to purchase and enroll in curriculums, you must connect your crypto wallet during the sign-up process.

Simply click the β€œConnect a Wallet” button at the top-right corner of the landing page. Upon linking your wallet, your account will be automatically created. Wondering if you need an email address or password? No, absolutely not. Only your wallet is required for creating an account, and it provides access to our full range of features including learning progress management and My Page settings.

Don’t have a wallet? No worries, you can quickly set one up with MetaMask by following this guide. It’s a piece of cake.

MetaMask is the leading Web3-compatible wallet, offering robust security and a straightforward interface. It facilitates your interaction with our platform and the broader blockchain environment, ensuring you have complete control over your digital assets, privacy, and personal data.

Once your account is set up, you'll be prompted to populate your profile with details like a username, user ID, bio, and social media links.

While this step is optional, we strongly encourage you to personalize your profile. Doing so not only boosts your visibility but also increases your chances of connecting with like-minded users and uncovering new opportunities.

Profile features include:

  • Display name: Displayed as yourself on the platform.

  • User ID: This unique identifier doubles as the URL for your profile page.

  • Profile image: This image represents you and helps other users to recognize you.

  • Bio: A description of who you are. Write about your goals and interests to let other users know who you are!

  • Profile links: We currently offer sections for links to X, LinkedIn, Lens, Farcaster, and your website. Provide links to your social media accounts and help others get to know you better!

You can later edit your profile via the "My Page". Please refer to this section to learn how to change the content of your profile.

Right, now all the setup is done so let’s kickstart your AnyCampus life!

Last updated